Rabu, 22 April 2015

10 most expensive lego set in the world

1.Lego Tower Bridge($239.99)

2.Lego Grand Carousel($249.99)

3.Lego Minestorm NXT($249.99)

4.Lego Star wars Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker($249.99)

 5.Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0($279.99)

6.Lego Star Wars Death Star 2($269.99)

 7.Lego Star Wars Imperial Star Destroyer($269.99)

 8.Lego Taj Mahal($299.99)

 9.Lego Star wars Death Star($399.99)

10.Lego Star Wars Ultimate Millenium Falcon($499.99)

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